This Year's Fair
The Fair this year is on Saturday 13th July 2024 - gates open at 12 noon and it takes place on Chelsfield Cricket Green BR6 7RL. Adults £5.00, children £2 and under fives free. Includes free programme.
For the first time, something very close to home for us in Chelsfield Village. St Martin-of-Tours is our beautiful parish church, located just across the A224 from the village. Bits of it are nearly 1,000 years old and it really is worth a visit. The steeple is a classic Kentish steeple and the tiles hanging from it are in fact made from wood. Wooden shingles.
Wooden shingles look lovely but, if you're one of the local population of 'oh so indigenous' ring-necked parakeets, they also taste pretty scrummy. As a result, St Martin's steeple is full of holes and is in dire need of overhauling including replacing the wooden shales with some which are less of a parakeet delicacy.
This is costing an enormous amount of money and as the church have always been hugely supportive of the Fair we decided that it was an ideal opportunity to help them out to preserve an important local building.
All the Prize Draw takings plus a significant proportion of the charitable fund we raise will go towards this cause.
If you want to find out more about the appeal and indeed the church - please check out their website:
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